The therapy based on the Romanian medicine Gerovital H3 is still used today as a way to postpone or slow the process of aging, with spectacular effects, as well as to treat illnesses pertaining to aging.
Aging is a natural phenomenon, we cannot avoid it, but we can live through it without many serious health issues. Various afflictions await those over 65. It is a special time in our existence, which is why medicine has dedicated a specialty named geriatrics to this age.
We cannot escape old age. There are over 300 theories that have tried over the years to define aging, but all have been left incomplete. In general, it is considered that old age starts around the age of 60-65. During the last decades, the older population has increased to numbers higher than demographic analysts had predicted, making people more interested in gerontology and geriatrics.
Gerontology is defined as the science of aging processes, and geriatrics as a branch of medicine that researches the pathological aspects of aging.
With age come physiological changes: perception abilities are in regression (hearing, sight, taste, smell), painful and thermal sensations are reduced. Often, the elderly will suffer from infarctions, perforating ulcers or even fractures, pain free. There will also be psychological changes, such as: apathy, depression, fear of hospitalization, confusion. The most frequent illnesses are: ischemic cardiopathy, arterial hypertension, pernicious anemia, chronic lymphatic leukemia, digestive ischemia, diabetes, myxedema, cerebral atherosclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, dementia, depressions, states of confusion, glaucoma, cataracts, osteoporosis, polyarthrosis, gout, femoral head fracture, cutaneous cancer. Because they come with third age, these illnesses must be treated.
It has been noticed that today’s elderly population excessively consume hypnotics, psychotropics, laxatives and antibiotics. They have the tendency to store medication and not stick to prescriptions. Orally administered medication is less likely to be absorbed and renal elimination drops. The absence of vitamins and mineral salts worsens the sufferings of the sick.
Among the most appreciated geriatric treatments in the world is the wonder medicine Gerovital H3, invented by a Romanian, Prof. Dr. Ana Aslan, together with a group of illustrious and enthusiastic researchers. Great public figures of the world have struggled to benefit from the famous beauty elixir produced in Romania. The veteran Gerovital H3 has over the years remained as young as the millions of people that have used it. The first medicine acknowledged worldwide, created in the 50s, specifically to slow the aging process, increases physical and intellectual abilities, improves memory and the senses, reduces anxiety and depression, improves the quality of the skin and hair, favors the re-pigmentation of the hair, increases muscle tone and mobility of the joints, levels arterial tension, stimulates the regeneration of the liver, gastric mucus and bone marrow, regenerates striated muscle and peripheral nerves.
The two weeks of Gerovital therapy, combined with mud, hydrotherapy, massage and kinesiotherapy, attract numerous patients, Romanians from all over the world, confident in the method Ana Aslan has discovered.
Therefore, we look forward to your visit, so that together we may “Add life to years and not years to life!”
The short distance to the sea, the ambiance, the unique services offered by a team of experienced professionals, are a few of the factors that we hope will convince you to take a break for your health.